Making a donation

Making a donation to the Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust helps greatly. Donations $5 or over are tax deductible.


To make a financial donation – deposit your donation through online banking to:

WHCT bank account number: 06 0513 0258082 00

Account name: Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust

Please fill out the website Donation Form on this page with your details,

Or download and fill out the PDF form here and email to us at:  

Or download and fill out the Word Doc form here and post to:

Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust

30a Chelmsford Street
Wellington 6035

Note that the pdf form has spaces that can be typed into on your device, or you can print it out and fill out by hand.

Leaving a bequest or gift

Leaving a bequest or gift in your will to the Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust supports the work of our dedicated chaplains and assistants. Please contact us for more information.

Donation Form

Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust thanks you for your donation

© Copyright - Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust