
The Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust provides grant funding to initiatives that advance the purposes of the trust/support and advocate for hospital chaplaincy services in the Wellington region.

Examples of initiatives the Trust would consider funding include:

  • research projects
  • contribution towards attendance of conferences
  • practical support to the delivery of chaplaincy services.

 A full list of initiatives that have been funded in the past is available here.

How much funding is available?

Generally the Trust will provide up to $10,000 in total funding per year, which can go towards any number of initiatives. However, we may provide more funding in exceptional cases.

Who can apply for funding?

Anyone can apply for funding to the Trust. Eligibility depends on whether the initiative you are seeking funding for is consistent with the purposes of the Trust.

How do you obtain funding?

If you wish to obtain funding from the Trust, you must apply to the Trust in writing using the application form. There is no deadline for applications, you can apply to the Trust for funding at any time.

How long does it take for an application to be decided?

The Trust generally aims to make decisions on applications within (3-4 months) of any application. However the decision-making time will be context dependent and may vary. For example, the Trust is likely to take longer to consider applications seeking a larger portion of the total funding.

More information

More detailed information about the Trust’s grant funding, including the process for obtaining funding is set out in the Trust’s Grant Policy, available here.

The Grants Application Form is available as a pdf here

Or as a Word Doc here

Note that both the Word and PDF  forms have spaces that can be typed into on your device, or you can print and fill out by hand.

Apply here

Download one of the Application forms below, fill out and email back to us at:

Or post to:
Grant application, Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust,
30a Chelmsford Street, Ngaio,
Wellington 6035