Grants Policy
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This form is for applications for grants from the Wellington Chaplaincy Trust Board (Trust)
Notes for applicants:
Please complete all sections of this application and send.
Any relevant attachments can be emailed to:
Name of organisation *
Name of applicant / contact person *
Position in organisation *
Address *
Phone *
Email *
Please provide a description of the project (including who will benefit) in the panel below. Please email any supporting information separately if required to:
$ Amount applied for *
$ Total cost of the project *
$ Funds already available *
Referee 1: Name, Address, Phone, Email *
Referee 2: Name, Address, Phone, Email *
Other grants applied for
I/We have supporting documentation which will be emailed to WHCT separately
I/We the applicant(s) confirm that I/we have read and accept the Application Guidelines and I/We acknowledge that if a grant is made my/our organisation may be asked to acknowledge the grant from Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust publicly.
I/We the applicant(s) confirm that Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust may collect information about our organisation from third parties in respect of this application.
I/We Confirm the above *